Never lose your favorite properties again.

One click to save all the listings you love.

Over 1000+
200+ Properties
Saved Everyday!

Supporting your favourite property websites!


Streamlined Property Information

Property Bookmark takes the stress out of property hunting by automatically fetching comprehensive property details from your preferred real estate websites. Within seconds, you can access vital information such as property descriptions, images, prices, locations, and more. All in one convenient place.

Intuitive User Interface

We believe simplicity is key to your browsing expecrience. Property Bookmark boasts of an intuitive user interface that seamlessly integrates into your chrome browser. No more complex menus or settings - just install and start exploring properties with ease.

Save your favourite Property for later with ease

Falling in love with a property while browsing but not quite ready to commit? No worries! Property Bookmark allows you to star or favorite properties that catch your eye, creating a personalized list of saved properties for you to revisit later. Keep track of your top picks and compare them side by side before making that final decision.

Privacy and Security

At Property Bookmark , your privacy is our top priority. Rest assured that your data and browsing activities are kept secure and confidential. We do not collect any personally identifiable information and our extension adheres to strict privacy guidelines.